Author: infamia

Land Reform and Property Rights: A Key to Prosperity

| “Pathways to Prosperity: Land Reform Playbook,” a report developed by The Legatum Institute, explores the links between property rights, democracy, and prosperity.

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An Economic Opportunity in Nigeria

| CIPE and World Citizen Consulting are also working with ANWBN to use the Scorecard to evaluate the status for women and suggest a plan of action that will lead to reforms that enable more women to participate in property markets.

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Property Rights and Democratic Development post-COVID

| This is a blog written by the Director for Global Programs at the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), Anna Kompanek. She discusses why property rights matter to democratic development and specific efforts in Nigeria.

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Timisoara - Romania - Anna Kompanek 2020

Pricing Risk for Opportunistic Investment in Emerging Markets

| The Scorecard research shows that basic property rights are strong in Montenegro, North Macedonia & Romania. Albania & the Kyrgyz Republic are still coping with the transition from state-controlled economies, so property rights remain weak.

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Building Institutions that Make Property Markets Work

| Property rights are among the most fundamental principles enshrined in Article 17 of the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Yet access to and protection of property rights vary greatly.

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Unstable Ground: Analyzing Kenya’s Property Markets

| Although property rights have long been an issue in Kenya, violations during a global pandemic have highlighted the consequences of not having adequate and enforceable land tenure systems in place.

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